The Intel Core-based third-generation micro-architecture Ivy Bridge was released on April 23 this year and are the second modular architecture of Intel. As microprocessors based on Sandy Bridge micro-architecture, microprocessors based on Ivy Bridge microarchitecture are built in modules, which consist of 2 modules and 2 dual-core x86 graphics core (HD 2500 and HD Graphics 4000 Graphics ), through which Intel can build products aimed at different market segments, while minimizing production costs.
Although Intel officially informed that your Ivy Bridge-DT/MB/ULV microprocessors (versions for notebook and desktop Ultrabooks respectively) have a die area of 160mm ², this area corresponds to the variant with two x86 modules (4 cores) and PGI HD Graphics 4000, but the other variants have different areas which are detailed below:
2 dual-core x86 modules (4 cores, 8MB L3) + HD 4000 IGP: 159.82mm ².
2 dual-core x86 modules (4 cores, 6MB L3) + IGP HD 2500: 132.82mm ².
1 module x86 dual-core (2 cores, 4MB L3) + HD 4000 IGP: 118.08mm ².
1 module x86 dual-core (2 cores, 3MB L3) + IGP HD 2500: 93.58mm ².
looks like a gravestone ;o
ReplyDeletegreat. gg intel again.